Graduation Leis

For those who are still in school ,June and May is known for the end of a school year. For some this means the beginning of fun, adventure and relaxation (or the start of a summer job). For others it means the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. Every year a class of elementary students move on to middle school and high school seniors finally leave home to explore their early years of adulthood. Either way this provides with a great opportunity to make graduation gifts, cards, and party things. 

This year my cousin and I graduated from a college. He graduated from UC Davis with a BA in economics and a minor in textiles while I graduated from UC Riverside with a MS in chemical and environmental engineering. I made my cousin a lei made of candy for his graduation. I think homemade leis are fun and great gifts. They can be customized with candies, flowers or money.  

For my cousin's lei I used yellow and dark blue ribbons, the school colors, and cellophane plastic. I choose to put little Mexican tamarind candies and War Heads in the leis. 
I would not recommend chocolate if the graduation is during the day and you have to carry the lei in the summer heat. 
Graduation leis filled with candy
These leis were simple and easy. I just wrapped about 2-3 pieces of candy and tied strips of ribbon in between the candy. Maybe next time I'll add dollar bills to the leis.


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